Journal articles
I. Debono, A. Rassat, A. Réfrégier, A. Amara, T. D. Kitching, 2009
Weak lensing forecasts for dark energy, neutrinos and initial conditions (Grassmanian Conference in Fundamental Cosmology)
Annalen der Physik, 522: 324-327
I. Debono , A. Rassat, A. Réfrégier , A. Amara, T. D. Kitching, 2009
Weak lensing forecasts for dark energy, neutrinos and initial conditions
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 404, Issue 1, 110-119
I. Debono, 2013
Bayesian model selection for dark energy using weak lensing forecasts
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 437, Issue 1, 887-897
I. Debono, 2014
Dark energy model selection with current and future data
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 442, 1619–1627
G. F. Smoot, I. Debono, 2016
21 cm intensity mapping with the Five hundred metre Aperture Spherical Telescope
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 597, A136
I. Debono, G.F. Smoot, 2016
General Relativity and Cosmology: Unsolved Questions and Future Directions
Universe 2016, Volume 2, No. 4: 23
I. Debono, D.K. Hazra, A. Shafieloo, G.F. Smoot, A.A. Starobinsky 2020
Constraints on features in the inflationary potential from future Euclid data
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 496, Issue 3, August 2020, Pages 3448–3468
I. Debono, 2021
Probing inflation with large-scale structure data: the contribution of information at small scales
Physical Sciences Forum 2021, 2(1), 45
D.K. Hazra, D. Paoletti, I. Debono, A. Shafieloo, G.F. Smoot, A.A. Starobinsky, 2021
Inflation Story: slow-roll and beyond
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12 (2021) 038
H.R. Kirk, A.R. Williams, L. Burke, Y-L. Chung, I. Debono, P. Johansson, F. Stevens, J. Bright, S.A. Hale, 2023
DoDo Learning: DOmain-DemOgraphic Transfer in Language Models for Detecting Abuse Targeted at Public Figures
Submitted to Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Other publications
Cosmological parameter forecasts with weak gravitational lensing
(PhD thesis, Université Paris VII – Paris Diderot , 2009)
Cosmological Parameter Forecasts with Weak Gravitational Lensing (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010)

Modern concordance cosmology is faced with two tasks: Accounting for the abundance of the known constituents, and determining the nature of the unknown components – dark matter and dark energy. The initial conditions which led to structure formation pose another important question. This work studies the potential of weak gravitational lensing to determine the nature of dark energy through its equation of state and its evolution, and to advance our understanding of the distribution of the primordial density fluctuations. This book should be helpful to astrophysicists working in the field of weak lensing, and to the wider community of observational cosmologists.
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