The Euclid Consortium – A space mission to map the dark Universe

The Paris Centre for Cosmological Physics

Paris Observatory – Laboratory for Space Studies and Astrophysics Instrumentation

AstroParticle and Cosmology Laboratory, University of Paris

The Alan Turing Institute

Bayesian resources

Strong Inference – The PyMC package

BayesPy – Tools for Bayesian inference with Python

Software and computing

 iCosmo – The Initiative for Cosmology, a software suite for cosmological calculations. A useful teaching aid.

BINGO by Dhiraj Kumar Hazra – BI-spectra and Non-Gaussianity Operator

Version control with Git – A quick and easy guide to Git

MontePython – A Monte Carlo Markov Chain code (with Class)

Data Science

Pivigo – The data science hub. What it says on the tin.