The latest public release of Montepython includes Euclid likelihoods for the redshift survey (euclid_pk) and the cosmic shear survey (euclid_lensing).
The file needs to be edited because of Python syntax issues. If you try to use it as provided, you will get two errors messages.
File "/home/[APClogin]/montepython/montepython/likelihoods/euclid_pk/", line 224, in loglkl
k_sigma = np.zeros(2.*self.nbin+1, 'float64')
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an index
The problem here is the decimal point after the 2, which makes it a float, when it is being used to create an index, which must be an integer.
k_sigma = np.zeros(2*self.nbin+1, 'float64')
The second error is caused once again by an unnecessary decimal point in the index:
File "/home/[APClogin]/montepython/montepython/likelihoods/euclid_pk/", line 330, in integrand
return self.k_fid[:]**2/(2.*pi)**2*((self.tilde_P_th[:,index_z,index_mu] - self.tilde_P_fid[:,index_z,index_mu])**2/((2./self.V_survey[index_z])*(self.tilde_P_th[:,index_z,index_mu] + self.P_shot[index_z])**2 + (self.alpha[:,2.*index_z+1,index_mu]*self.tilde_P_th[:,index_z,index_mu])**2
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indice
return self.k_fid[:]**2/(2.*pi)**2*((self.tilde_P_th[:,index_z,index_mu] - self.tilde_P_fid[:,index_z,index_mu])**2/((2/self.V_survey[index_z])*
(self.tilde_P_th[:,index_z,index_mu] + self.P_shot[index_z])**2 + (self.alpha[:,2*index_z+1,index_mu]*self.tilde_P_th[:,index_z,index_mu])**2